Christmas is a time of joy and celebration, but it’s important to remember that our furry friends need special care during this festive season. Here are 7 tips to ensure a safe and happy Christmas with your dog.

1. Keep decorations and ornaments out of reach

Firstly, be mindful of decorations. Keep fragile ornaments out of reach, as they can easily break and harm your dog if ingested. Tinsel and ribbons should also be avoided, as they can cause intestinal blockages if swallowed.

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2. Buy pet-friendly alternatives to the traditional plants

Secondly, be cautious with holiday plants. Poinsettias, mistletoe, and holly are all toxic to dogs if ingested. Opt for pet-friendly alternatives or keep these plants out of reach.

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3. Be careful when dishing out the Christmas treats!

Thirdly, watch what your dog eats. While it may be tempting to share some holiday treats with your furry friend, many human foods can be harmful to dogs. Chocolate, grapes, onions, and alcohol should never be given to dogs as they can cause serious health issues.

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4. Create a safe space

Fourthly, create a safe space for your dog during gatherings. Loud noises and unfamiliar faces can stress them out. Provide a quiet room or crate where they can retreat when needed.

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5. Don’t forget to exercise!

It may be tempting to lie on the sofa in a turkey coma, but it’s important to ensure your dog gets enough exercise during the holidays. With all the festivities going on, it’s easy to neglect their regular routine. Take them for walks or play games indoors to keep them active and prevent behavioural issues.

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6. Costumes are cute, but are they comfortable?

Consider your dog’s comfort when dressing them up in festive attire. While cute outfits may seem harmless, make sure they fit properly without restricting movement or causing discomfort.

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7. Give lots of love and attention

Lastly but most importantly – give your dog plenty of love and attention throughout the holiday season! They are part of the family too and deserve extra care during this special time.

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By following these 7 festive tips for a safe Christmas with your dog, you’ll ensure that both you and your furry friend have a joyful holiday season together.