As a dog owner, keeping your home clean can be a challenging task. Dogs shed fur, track in dirt and mud, and can leave behind some rather unpleasant odours. However, with the right cleaning tips, you can maintain a clean and fresh living space for both you and your furry (and stinky!) friend.

1. Groom your dog regularly

First and foremost, regular grooming is essential to minimise shedding. Brushing your dog daily will help reduce the amount of loose fur around your home. Regular grooming helps to keep your dog’s coat clean and free of mats, which can lead to skin irritations and infections if left untreated. It also allows you to check for any signs of parasites such as fleas or ticks, as well as any lumps or bumps that may indicate a more serious health issue.

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2. Invest in a pet-specific vacuum cleaner

Investing in a good quality vacuum cleaner designed for pet hair will make cleaning up after your dog much easier. Regular vacuuming will help keep your floors and furniture free of fur and dander. Pet-specific vacuum cleaners are designed with specialised features such as HEPA filters that can capture allergens and bacteria that are commonly found in pet hair. This is especially important for individuals with allergies or asthma who may be sensitive to these particles. Additionally, pet-specific vacuum cleaners often come with attachments specifically designed for cleaning up pet messes such as urine or vomit. These attachments make it easier to thoroughly clean up accidents and prevent lingering smells.

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3. Keep a designated towel handy

To tackle muddy paw prints, keep a towel by the door to wipe off your dog’s paws before they come inside. Using a designated towel for cleaning your dog helps prevent the spread of dirt, bacteria, and germs onto other surfaces in your home. Furthermore, having a specific towel for your dog allows you to easily spot any signs of skin irritation, cuts, or wounds that may need attention. By using a separate towel for your dog, you can also avoid transferring any potential allergens or irritants onto their skin.

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4. Buy some Bicarbonate of Soda!

For odours, sprinkle bicarb soda on carpets before vacuuming or use pet-friendly air fresheners to keep your home smelling fresh. Also, make sure to clean up accidents promptly with an enzymatic cleaner to eliminate stains and stinks.

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5. Keep your dog’s bedding, bowls, and toys clean

Wash your dog’s bedding frequently to prevent odours from building up. Use a pet-safe detergent and ensure their bedding is completely dry before putting it back in their sleeping area. Also, regularly clean your dog’s toys and food bowls to prevent bacteria buildup. Place your dog’s toys in a sink or tub filled with warm water and a mild detergent. Scrub each toy thoroughly to remove any dirt, grime, or bacteria that may have accumulated. Rinse the toys well and allow them to air dry completely before returning them to your dog.To clean your dog’s food and water bowls, wash them with hot soapy water after each use. This will help prevent the growth of harmful bacteria that can make your dog sick. Be sure to rinse the bowls thoroughly before refilling them with fresh food and water.

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